Striking students block doors at Lyon 2; exams postponed

Published: 2018/05/14

Students of the Université Lyon 2 formed blockades at the school this morning, forcing exams to be postponed


With exam week scheduled to start today, the students are continuing their two-month-long strike.


On Monday morning, student from the Université Lumière Lyon 2 formed blockades in front of the school doors at the Berges du Rhône campus. The action comes following two months of strikes and succeeded in postponing the day’s exams on both campuses.

universite lyon 2 berges du rhone campus

The Berges du Rhône campus was the site of the blockades this morning, but exams have been cancelled on both of the university’s two campuses.

The university’s final exams were scheduled to begin today, running from May 14 to 25. Exams for the 16th had already been postponed due to the Europa League Final and a lack of adequate security forces.

The students had been asked to arrive at the school an hour and a half before the start of the 8 a.m. exams to begin entering the building through a security screening process. Instead, students gathered in front of the entryways on Quai Claude Bernard and Rue Chevreul.

After resisting attempts by police to remove them using tear gas, the students staged a sit-in on Rue Chevreul.

Finals for the day were officially postponed by the university at 8:45 a.m., 45 minutes after the planned start. Exams are cancelled on both the Berges du Rhône and Porte des Alpes campuses.