It’s not just about cars
Over those three days, more than 150 lectures are taking place around the subject of electric mobility and cleaner transportation means. Some sessions are animated by highly involved policymakers that will untangle every aspect of the field.
The symposium revolves around four principles that rhythms each edition:
- Meeting between institutions and manufacturers to address the sector,
- Learning from leaders in the feels through keynote speeches,
- Promoting new “green” mobility solutions,
- And lastly, testing the latest innovations and findings.
International key players
Some specific areas are thought to create even more discussion between the participants and the companies and/or different countries. With national Pavillons, you get a glimpse of how electric mobility is thought about in Germany, China or even in Norway. One zone will solely focus on the local effort to develop hydrogen power and another is powered by EDF and aims to enable conversation and build relationships between bigger players and newcomers on the market.
Go ahead and join the Symposium at Eurexpo Congress Center, in the east of Lyon. To get there, take the Tram T5 or have a look at our public transportation’s guide in Lyon.
The whole program of the symposium is available here.