The stand-up comedy show “Becoming Maman” is in Lyon for one night only
The Parisian comedy show “Becoming Maman” will be playing at Le Complexe du Rire Câfé-Théâtre (7 rue des Capucins, Lyon 1) on Tuesday, May 29 at 8:30 p.m.
“Becoming Maman” is performed by comedians Sarah Donnelly and Amber Minogue, two expats who became mothers while living in Paris.
Donnelly is American and fully expected to become “mommy,” while Minogue is British and was waiting to be “mummy.” Instead, they both got stuck with “maman,” and their idea for the show was born, along with their French children.
The show is playing at Le Complexe du Rire as part of the theater’s “What’s Up, Lyon?” English comedy shows. “Becoming Maman” takes audiences through all the hurdles of raising children in a different culture and a different language.
The show isn’t just for parents, but for anyone who likes down-to-earth stand-up and the real-life hilarity that often comes with a paperwork-filled French system.
On the list of things Donnelly and Minogue are tackling: the French prefecture, expiring birth certificates, and the wrong time to have a baby in France.
Tickets are on sale now starting at €10 and can be reserved here.