Debora Wurm


My name is Debora Wurm. Débora, without an H, it's one of the best decisions my parents made!:) I was born and raised in Lyon. I felt at a very young age that my life should be dedicated to living abroad. I am a big fan of New York City, and I also love the fast pace and heritage of Manhattan. I am a bit of a chameleon, as I adjust naturally to the environment that I am in. I graduated with a degree in Marketing, and while in college, I spent one year living in NYC. The experience in New York blew my mind away! I very recently returned to Lyon after 4 years of living in Montreal, Canada. I had adjusted myself to the life in Montreal so well that now there is a gap with how I adapt to life in France. For instance, I brought back with me some of the common Montreal expressions. Now I am back in Lyon, I enjoying the cozy atmosphere and the boutiques that I missed while living in Montreal…and family and friends as well. I love chocolate and I like to imitate people! I choose the magazine “This Is Lyon” as I am definitely closely involved with the expat world!

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